Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tuesday Night

Today was a pretty good day. Abby ran a pretty high fever overnight and has a lot of fluid in her right lung. They tested her for RSV and the flu - both of which came back negative... thank goodness! So that was the beginning of the good news. Other good steps today: (1) they turned off her external pacemaker and her heart is working great on its own. They do have her on a medication to raise her blood pressure - in hopes of stimulating her kidneys to help clear her lungs. (2) They were able to remove one wire that was monitoring her heart - she was stable enough that she didn't need it. They told us any time a wire or tube is taken away that is a huge step. (3) By the end of the day, her fever was way down.

As for the not- so- great- things: (1) Abby has a lot of fluid in her lungs, esp. the right one. It's not unexpected - her lungs looked pretty bad before surgery. They are thinking right now they won't be able to take her off the ventilator until Friday. (2) She is really, really puffy due to all the extra fluid in her body. They are looking for what the nurse calls "liquid gold output" (urine) - and lots of it! (3) Down Syndrome children are very tough to sedate - and they were having a tough time getting her sedated this morning. We are supposed to either not talk at all, or speak very quietly around her - because she moves around a lot when she hears voices - and this is bad for her breathing tube. But - by the end of the day - she was much more restful. None of these bumps in the road are unexpected, so we're happy about that.

We continue to come home at night - there is no place to sleep in the room where she is now - and there is a nurse at the end of her bed 24 hours a day. They tell us to rest up now so that when they do take out the breathing tube and she's uncomfortable and needs one of us with her 24 hours a day - we're not too tired to do so. The house feels so strange without her.


Paul said...

One day at a time! I am happy to read all is going well. Stay strong and keep positive. God is at work here and it is great to see the results.
God Bless,

White Sugar Brown Sugar by Rachel Garlinghouse said...

Abby is one tough chickie! We are so happy to hear that she is doing well. We pray that as you two journey from hour to hour and day to day, that God gives you strength, patience, motivation, joy, and even some humor/laughter. We're cheering for all three of you! We cannot wait until Abby and Ella can meet. Love, Steve, Rachel, and Ella

Rebecca Flick said...

Everyday is as step in the right direction. You continue to be in our prayers. We can't wait to welcome Abby home to the 'hood! Hang in there.

Rebecca and George (and Robbie and Nola!)

Laura N said...

Praying for your continued strength & peace of mind knowing that God working & is there for all of you.
Laura & family

Manoleras said...

She sounds like a fighter! We are so happy to hear she is doing better every day. We will continue to pray and think about you all!!
Nia and Manny

Anonymous said...

Keep it up, Abby! I blow you a kiss each afternoon when I pass by the hospital on my way home from work. I'm thinking of you & your mommy and daddy too!

Anonymous said...

you are all in my prayers... keep your heads up!