Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thursday, Feb 12

In the "two steps forward, one step back" recovery process we were promised, today felt like one step back.

Last night Abby's right lung (the one with all the fluid) collapsed. This didn't really seem to worry them all that much - they just changed the breathing machine settings and popped it back open again. Throughout the day her oxygen levels would drop and the nurses and doctors could tell that her breaths weren't as deep on that side. She seemed to do best laying on her left side. The doctors say we can optimistically still think about taking out the breathing tube tomorrow - but we're not sure how likely that is.

As we all prayed and hoped for "liquid gold" - somehow Abby was accidently given way too much of her diuretic medicine last night. So liquid gold we got - and then had to give her fluids to balance it out. A kidney specialist was called in to calculate how much of an overdose she was given - he said that while it was by far more than she needed, it was on the very high side of an acceptable dose. Basically: too much, but not toxic. A lot of precautions were taken to check over and over again that she is alright after this mistake. So far, so good. She'll have to have a hearing test before we leave the hospital since hearing loss is sometimes a side effect of overdosing this medication.

Abby is also still running a very slight fever. They've sent out a lot of samples to the lab- which will come back in 48 hours having been tested for a specific bacteria. For now, because her white blood cells are elevated in some of the samples, they're starting her on a general antibiotic.

I refuse to end this post on such a sour note: so there were a few upsides of today. They are still weaning her from the ventilator and allowing her to take breaths over the machine on her own when she's alert enough to do so - and each time she was coming out of sedation, she was breathing on her own. The act of breathing on her own may really start to help out her right lung. Abby had 2 more tubes removed today. One that was collecting drainage near her heart - it hadn't collected much of anything, so they took that one out. And her catheter. Any tube she has in her is a risk of infection - so we're thrilled to see each one go.

Here's hoping and praying that tomorrow is a big step forward...


Allison said...

We are thinking of all you and hoping for a big step forward tomorrow!
Chris, Allison, Morgan and Carson

Anonymous said...

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage.-- Lao Tzu

Anonymous said...

We are continuing to pray for each of you, asking the Great Physician to complete the miracle of healing that Abby needs; for no deafness to result from the O.D.of meds, and for you three to continue to be carried in His strong arms.We
also believe that Don's arrival today will be great "medicine" for each of you...nothing like a strong shoulder to lean on...and that goes both ways, I'm certain.May his miraculous surgery and recovery inspire and encourage you. God's timing is always perfect, and this will be no exception. Enjoy the comfort of one another, and know that "underneath are the Everlasting Arms"...
Janice and Jake

Anonymous said...

Hello Linz and Chris-
You might be feeling like you are on a roller coaster right now but I'm praying it will come to feel more like a merry-go-round where the ups and downs are much more managable. Linz I am remincing about our trip to Great Adventure years and years ago. We did some crazy rides!!!! When John was sick, I remember thinking, I've had enough of the rollercoaster and the merry-go-round - in fact, I'm ready to leave the park altogether! Your time will come!!!We all are loving Abby's hot pink bow and hope the bark is paying off!

Love to you all! Missy