Abby is accessory free! The doctor came in this morning while she was taking a bottle - Linzy was telling him how she seems to have an internal clock that tells her when she's hit 2 oz, and she won't take another sip, regardless of how much is in the bottle. There were 3 oz in the bottle she was taking as we talked - and she proceeded to put it away like a champ - ensuring that Linzy looked like a fool. He said we could pull out her feeding tube and see if that didn't help her take more - sometimes the funny feeling of something else in their throat keeps babies from eating as much when they have tubes in. The plan was to wait for her to digest a bit before pulling the tube out- but the Tech came in to weigh Abby, got her naked, freed her hands, and she removed it herself! This is a trial - and she may need it put back in if she doesn't up how much she takes at each feed.
The doctors want to see an established pattern of eating so they can send us home with an exact plan - but they have started making arrangements for us to leave! The nurses are pressing for tomorrow - but the doctor didn't seem convinced that this was the best plan - so we'll see. They've called around to pharmacies to see which ones carry the liquid version of the serious drugs she's on.
Here's hoping Abby eats enough to remain tube free!
Thanks for sharing your blog with me/us. You have truly documented some miraculous days and I'm so glad to see that Abby is doing so well! Keep up the great work Abby!
Best wishes, Catherine Baker
This is such great news! I am so glad things are on the up and up and I will keep praying for you guys! I hope you get to go home super soon! :) Katie
Lila is toasting Abby with one of her babas! "Here's to you Abby!" You are such a miracle, precious girl and you are going to surprise & delight so many in your lifetime. Go for three ounces each feed and surprise even your Mommy! Love seeing your wireless picture - you are getting big!!!!
XOXO - the Fioritas
Abby, you are such a big girl now...hard to believe it has been three weeks and look where you are today, you go little girl. Make sure you suck down those ounces cuz your girlfriend Lila will drink any leftovers if she is with you!! You are amazing at you young age to already be proving your mommy wrong in front of others! Mine didn't start doing that till they were much, much older and now they look for every chance they can to make me look silly...congrats to you. Love the new picture...your so cute no wonder the doctors don't want you to leave.
Love and kisses to you,
Peggy & gang
Abby, Abby, Abby! Yeah! She's looking so good too. We continue our prayers for Abby's return to the hood.
Charley was kind enough to pass along your blog. I have spent the last hour catching up on Abby and her phenomenal progress. Her story is truly inspirational and I am sure a large part of it is due to you and your husband. Your love for Abby resonates throughout these posts and I am in awe of your positive attitude. She is such a beautiful little girl and I look forward to keeping up on her successes.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Katie O
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