Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Finally Going Places!

That's right friends, I'm on the move! On Monday I'm taking my first plane ride all the way to Lake Tahoe. Mom and Dad are quite curious what I have in store for them on my first LONG plane trip, how I'll deal with the time change, etc. But for now, because I didn't want anyone getting too bent out of shape without a blog post from me - here's what I've been up to so far this June.
I'm working on sitting up with the help of my Bumbo seat. That's what big girls do. Here I am taking more of the Superman approach to sitting...
I'm mobile! I'm going places! Not only can I roll over from my back to my front AND my front to my back - I have learned to add all my rolls together to get where I want to go! Boy, you should have seen the look on my Dad's face the morning I rolled across the room while he was in the shower. I always lay there and happily play and talk while he showers - but that day I took off! Oh, the priceless look on his face when he returned to an empty blanket. (PS - I realize that in a few years playing naked will no longer be appropriate - but for now it's a fun way for me to get to really have at my feet...)

See - I really can travel far!

Now that I hold my head up so well, Mom put together my office. My friend Grace's parents call it the "Circle of Neglect". We'll see about that. Here I am working hard. I can NOT believe the mess these people made of this file...
Ah-HA! I should have known it'd be one of Callie's type to mess something up this big!

So much better.

Mom and Dad tried to take me to the pool to relax. You can see what I thought about that!

I was quite unsure about it. Was it clean? Should I let my prize feet go in this water? Uhh, Dad, this bath is just a bit colder than I usually order it... I finally came around. I'm not sure I "like" the pool - but I don't hate it. And from what mom says, we're going to be spending a lot of time there this summer... so I'm going to have to learn to at least tolerate it. At least I look DARN cute in my bathing suit.