Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Check out THESE moves!

I've loved music for a while now.  I love to play with musical instruments, and I was even in a little music class with a bunch of other kids for a while (it's over now... boo).  But recently I've developed a serious LOVE of dancing.  Anytime there's music on - anywhere - I hear it and I start to shake it.  (By "it", we obviously mean my "booty").  When I was in Connecticut visiting my friend Lila, she got me hooked on the Glee Soundtrack... which my parents bought for me and now we play it several times a day because, as you can see, I just LOVE IT!  I know this dance looks professional and choreographed and practiced - but it's not.  I'm really just this good folks. 

Disclaimer:  At the end of my video it looks like I'm about to crawl.  Don't worry, friends, I didn't forget to mention a monumental thing like that.. I'm not quite there yet.  Think of it as more of a full, sweeping bow.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Greetings Friends!  Happy Easter!  I have had a very busy month and I have LOTS of fun things to tell you about.

We can sum up how Mom and Dad have spent this month with two pictures.  Here's one of me with my new glasses.

Here's 2 seconds later when I'm highly irritated, tearing the glasses off my face, and listening to Mom and Dad say, "Abby, glasses stay ON." 
Mom and Dad... NO they don't!

Sometimes when I eat I forget that they're on my face and you can trick me into wearing them for a few extra minutes.  After 5 weeks of trying - I think Mom and Dad's record is 15 minutes of glasses on my face.  But usually, I win.  Duh.

Glasses even ruin a good afternoon swing. 

So after having my glasses for 5 weeks, I went back to the ophthalmologist.  Mom was a little worried that she'd be in trouble for not being a better law-enforcer.  At first, I pulled out my favorite past time of "Make-mom-look-like-a-liar".  Remember when I always did that in the hospital?  Well, I walked into that office (okay, fine, I was carried into that office - whatever) and when Mom put my glasses on and started talking to the nurse about how I may have worn them for an hour total over the course of the 5 weeks...I just sat there like a little angel.  Left them on.  Smiled.  Waved.  Angel.

But those doctors were running a bit behind, and after waiting for 30 minutes for them to see me, I was over the angel thing, and the doctor got to see exactly what mom and dad have been dealing with.  He was quite understanding and told mom she can only do what she can do... just keep trying, because he could see that my eyes are a lot straighter when I wear my glasses.  When I make it an on-off game, we take them off and leave them off for a while.

So you, blog friends, can probably anticipate many more "Glasses on, Glasses off" photos!

OH!  Now this was a funny, funny morning.  This month I discovered the joy of Cheerios.  I'd had them before, but I wasn't a big fan.  I don't know WHAT I was thinking.  Now I go crazy when I see them come out.  Mom was in the kitchen making me some breakfast, and I was on the floor playing.  That's when I spied her diaper bag across the room.  So I scooted over to it, (just like you saw on my video last month), sat myself up, and reached in.  First, I pulled out that large blue-ish zip-lock baggie that mom uses for my food, spoon, bib, etc. when we go out to eat.  I opened that up, pulled out the small zip lock baggie of Cheerio's and I had myself a NICE little floor picnic.  Now you're probably thinking one of two things:  (Possible thought 1):  Wow.  Abby's a GENIUS!  You'd be right.
(Possible thought 2):  Whoa.  Child neglect.  How long was she left for?!  You'd be wrong.  Well, mostly wrong.  I am QUICK, my friends.  I did all this in under 3 minutes.  You'd be right because mom came out, saw what had happened, and went for the camera.... rather than helping me out. 

Yeah, because look who wanted an invite to my floor picnic.  Mom couldn't believe she was just licking her lips and leaving me alone.  Since dad wasn't around, she felt this all needed to be photographed more than I needed to be saved.

We got fresh "O's" and moved to a safer spot while Callie did clean-up duty from my picnic.

I'm trying lots of new foods.  Turns out, I'm kind of a picky eater - like my mom.  Here was my first try with some blueberries.

I LOVED THEM!  HA!  Well, actually, I really did like them.  Just this one was a bit sour.

Then, it was my mom's spring break... so we went to Connecticut to visit my fans up there.  I had a playdate with my BFF Lila.  Lila's a "big girl" now - and she wanted to "hold the baby on her lap"... at first, I wasn't sure how I felt about that... but then I realized that when she held me I could check out all her accessories up close.  In this one, I'm requesting that she hand these shoes down to me when she's done.

Fair's fair.  Lila wanted to check out my accessories.  You can have 'em Lila.  You don't even have to wait for me to outgrow them.  They're YOURS!

Connecticut didn't get the memo that it was SPRING break... it was SO cold and rainy up there the whole time I was visiting.  I had to get TWO new raincoats just to make it through the week.  Here's one of mine - with froggies on it.  In official Connecticut colors, of course.

Here's me and Grandma working on my new trick.  I call this one my "Oh no!" face.  Anytime anyone says "Oh no!" or "Uh-oh!" I pull this out.  It gets a HUGE reaction.  Total crowd pleaser.

"Oh, Grandma, Say it ain't so!"

Then it was back to Virginia - where it was warm and beautiful (In Connecticut's defense - it got pretty nice up there after I left.) for Easter.  The Easter bunny brought me eggs with Cheerio's inside.   The kids down the street tried to tell me that was some sort of bad deal... but I was fine with it!  (Oh yes, note that I have enough hair for pig-tails these days.)

YAY!  CHEERIOS!  And TWO bows to pull out of my hair all day long!!!!

Since this is the end of my update - I fully expect all of you to put on your best "Oh no!" face!