Monday, July 12, 2010

Summertime... and the livin's easy

Greetings Friends!  Summer's here!  Turns out, I am a summer girl.   I LOVE the pool and I have NO fear of the water.  My mom is off of work and we're having lots of fun.  We play with my friends and best of all - we go to the pool almost daily!

My pool has these cool fountains I love to play in.

I practice my splits in the water - and use it as a method of getting deeper and deeper in the pool.  Just making sure Mom doesn't sit back and relax for even a second...

OH MY GOSH!  I can't believe it!

Tucker, I really don't recommend sitting on this thing. 

Ohh yeah.  Yum.  Nothing like a little chlorine water!

This is another pool we like to go to.  It has tons of cool fountains to run through.  We went here for Tucker's first birthday party.

In case you're wondering if I like running through these fountains - here I am signing "more"!  I made my dad run me through the fountains over and over and over!  I get whatever I want these days with all my signs.  My parents think it's so cute that they cave to my desires.  They counted how many signs I know for one of my therapists... 50!

Remember my car that I got for Christmas?!  We've put a lot of mileage on this baby recently.  I get so excited to go driving.  I start signing "car" over and over again.  Then Callie walks with us and I drive.  Please note that I STILL will not wear my glasses for any longer than 10 seconds... But, I stole my mom's sunglasses off her face and tried so hard to put them on mine a few times - so she bought me my own pair.  I never wear them now.

Goodbye, Glasses.

Car rides make a girl sleepy... here I am asleep at the wheel.

My dad and I planned to take Mom for a picnic at Great Falls for her birthday.  I made sure we were up at 5:30 that morning (and every morning) so that we can all get the most out of each day of our summer vacation.

Dad wasn't sure if we should take Callie to Great Falls or not.  Mom said we should.  While Mom and I were getting our pictures taken, Callie got out of the water, came up next to us, and SHOOK!  Here I am reminding Mom that it was HER idea to bring that crazy beast.  Please note that rather than helping us out - Dad is still snapping pictures.

So, another one of my goals is to keep trying new foods.  Here I am trying out some spaghetti. 

It's a meal AND a toy all in one!

I went straight from here to the bathtub.  Do not pass Go.  Do not collect $200.

One day mom left me playing in the living room while she ran up to the bathroom.  She returned to find me IN the end table.  What?!?! I was just trying to help her with the dusting...

Later that day we went to the grocery store.  Mom brought me inside to play with my magnet farm on the fridge while she unloaded the groceries from the car.  She returned to find...

...that I was playing in the recycling instead!!!  I had my tongue halfway down this bottle and I was loving life!  Of course, Mom went for the camera to document this moment.  If this doesn't prove that I'm her daughter - nothing will.  I wish I knew the sign for "Lemonade" that stuff seems MUCH better than "milk"!

I hope YOU'RE having a fun summer too!!


Allison said...

Wow, Abby, you ARE a busy girl! Can't wait to see you all!!!!!

Karin Bloss said...

Great pictures, as usual! Glad to see that Abby is having such a wonderful summer! I'm super impressed with her signing skills and love the fact that she is already enjoying the Mike's. :)

Mary Kay said...

Hey Linzy-Your post on facebook reminded me of abby's blog, and I just spend like an HOUR reading all of her posts! She is absolutely ADORABLE! What a sweetheart! It was great to get to see the both of you a few weeks ago, and I still can't get over her flexibility!! Glad you guys are having a good sumer!
Mary Kay

Brie said...

Abby, you're adorable! It's no wonder why you're a calendar super model. You take the best pictures. (The fountain ones are priceless). We can't wait to see you this summer!

White Sugar Brown Sugar by Rachel Garlinghouse said...

Isn't it fab how quickly toddlers can get into things? She's adorable!

Sarar said...

You crack me up... busy busy... I am glad to see you are having a GREAT summer!