Sunday, December 19, 2010

Thanksgiving and getting ready for Christmas!

Alright, well, in a completely unconventional move for this blog; my mom says that I have to lead with a story that doesn't revolve around me. 
 You can see how I feel about that!  But, my shirt says it all: I'm going to be a big sister.  My parents are attempting to duplicate perfection.  They should know you don't get this lucky twice.
That's her.  My little sister.  She's due on April 12th.  She's pretty easy going and apparently quite flexible.  (We'll have to have a little competition when she gets here - anyone can be flexible in a swimming pool.)  And that is all I have to say about that - now let's move on to the important stuff - all about ABBY!

 For Thanksgiving we all went out to Mt. Vernon, IL to visit my dad's family.  We're having some issues loading all the pictures we took while we were there- but there were 20 of us!  My great-grandparents, my grandparents, my aunts and uncle and my 2nd cousins!  This is me and my 2nd cousins having a little birthday party since so many of us have November birthdays. 
 Any chance you could move a little faster with that, Mom??

 Ella and I took good care of our babies - at least in front of the camera.  Ella just became a big sister, so I'm looking to her to provide me with some ways of coping.
 My Aunt Amy is a dancer.  She was teaching me some moves.  For some reason I found it easier to dance without my pants.  Mom says that's an "Under 3" type thing.  I copied everything Aunt Amy did.  Everything.  I am a super awesome dancer.
Doesn't this look like such a sweet picture?!  Here's the real story:  My mom was reading to Ella - I saw it, didn't like it, got in there- and you can see where I'm using my left hand to start to edge Ella out.  Like I said, Ella and I were practicing to be big sisters!

We may have to re-visit Thanksgiving in a later blog - there were lots of other pictures to share.  But sufice it to say we had a great time visiting with family.
 We came home to beautiful weather and decided that it was time to start getting ready for Christmas - so we went off to cut down our own Christmas tree again. 
 I made a case for an Abby-sized tree.  (Maybe next year, with my sister to help out - we can finally win the tiny-tree battle!)
 We compromised (got what my parents wanted) on this one.  Dad cut it down.
 Tucker and his parents came too.  Tucker and I discussed the benefits to tiny trees - but as you can see, no one was around to listen.
 It was a lovely day - not cold at all.  I sat down to sing some carols.  I felt that "O Christmas Tree" was most fitting in this situation...
 When everything was cut down we were ready to head home.  Tucker and I hitched a ride.  Are you wondering where our trees are?  Yeah - our moms would be the ones behind us, taking pictures AND pulling the wagons with the trees on them.  Have I mentioned that Tucker is going to be a big brother almost the same time that I'm a big sister?  So yeah, the two pregnant moms are lugging the trees on wagons and taking pictures.  (Don't worry - the two dads are having all their hair pulled out!)
Aw, that Tucker.  He just can't get enough of me!

 So later in the month, (when it was MUCH colder out) my friend Big John-John invited some of us over to see Santa come on a firetruck to his neighborhood!  I wasn't sure about the Santa thing - but I was very much into the brunch food and play time thing - so I went with it.  Here we are waiting outside for Santa to arrive.
 John pulled out some of his toys for us while we waited.  This is what my dad insisted we get John for his birthday this past year.  He told me the weather is always perfect for golfing - so I decided to give it a shot.  He feels this picture proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am his daughter.  Anyone willing to golf when it's 30 degrees outside must share genes with him.
Then Santa arrived!!!

 I insisted on watching from afar for a while and then came to the conclusion that I am not a fan of this Santa guy.  Let him do his thing and come at night and bring me gifts.  I will contact him via note, sent to the North Pole and tell him what to leave.  In this day and age I see no real reason for this kind of face-to-face encounter.
 Mom wanted me to look at the camera and smile - but there was NO WAY I was taking my eyes of the creepy guy in the red suit.  I don't need any funny business.  What I need is a 10 foot radius, thank you very much.
 It was so cold for so long it was just a matter of time before the white stuff finally came!  An entire 2 inches of it!  At first I was amused...
A little cold...

Yeah, okay - this is cold and unnecessary.
Merry Christmas 2010.  Notice Abby is the CENTER of this card.  Fingers crossed that's how it stays in 2011...

Oh - anyone want to place any bets on whether or not my sister gets blue eyes too???
(Thanks to our friend, Erin Cole, for the beautiful Christmas card picture!  She made Mom and Dad look great!  Really - we all know - I need no help looking great.)

1 comment:

pbarthold said...

Abby, not to worry about this baby stuff coming...I was number two girl in my family (sister Ann is 11 months older than me, were the p's crazy or what?)and then along comes my mom prego again and gives birth to twin girls, yes two that thought they would be more important than me because they came together. Well I am here to tell you girlfriend there was no way they would take my throne from me. They were 13 months younger than me but I made sure everyone knew I was better looking and funnier than those other three Weber girls. To this day I can tell you I still rule as the middle child and bring the laughs to the have a great start and totally the right attitude to make sure NOBODY forgets who you are. Good luck and if you ever need advice just text, email or tweet me and I will help you out!! Love you!!