Friday, October 8, 2010

Taking matters into my own hands

And so I've decided that there's more of the world I need to see.  Sitting around my tush all day may do wonders for increasing the size of my belly... but not much for satisfying my almost 2 year old curiosity.

So, I decided to get up and get moving.  My friend "Big John-John" (formarly known as "Baby John" - but he recently renamed himself) leant me his shopping cart and I've put the thing to good use.  As good of use as I can when every few steps I seem to crash into a wall or more of my toys...  I'm currently campaigning for a bigger house.  My parents say I can have one when I get a job and start pulling my own weight around here.  Um, last I checked:  Princesses don't pull weight. 

Here are some video clips of me on the move for your viewing pleasure:

You'll note in that previous clip that I was all set to go and my dad kept asking me to "Tell him when I'm ready".  The sign for "ready" requires both hands (with crossed fingers) in the air.  Seriously, people!?  I obviously still rely on support from my shopping cart in order to pull off this assisted walking skill.  So WHY are you asking me to tell you something that requires I take BOTH hands OFF my support?!  What the heck will he want from me next???

And just in case that's not enough Abby for you (will it ever be??), here's another one:

You'll note that just like Dad, Mom also is asking for me to let go of my life support.  What's with these people?  But you gotta admit, that look on my face when I realize gravity is going to win the battle is pretty much priceless.


White Sugar Brown Sugar by Rachel Garlinghouse said...

Get ready for the world to totally change. Once they walk, they NEVER stop GOING GOING GOING. :) Go, Abbs!

Allison said...

Yeah Abby!! And yes, a priceless look in the second video!

Laura N said...

yepeee!!!you go girl!